Saturday, June 2, 2012

Violence in Hockey: Fake or Fake?

Since Slapshot is gracing itself on my television set right now, I figured a commentary and possibly a discussion on hockey's violence would be in store for this evening.

Obviously hockey purists are well known for hating fighting in any way shape or form (much the same conservatives are known for hating abortions, with the same vigor) but is this violence in hockey what we used to see back in the days of the Broad Street Bullies, or, was it ever what we thought it was at all.

First, calling into question the frequent rumors and nay-sayings of sports fighting. As any heavy sports fan knows, especially ones that are ridden with fights (such as hockey obviously is) anywhere from bickering to chirping to actual glove dropping and face beating, are often subjects of the question of reality.

Are hockey fights real?

There are obviously two ways to look at it. One, they are real, and the emotions of players come out on a violent scale or two, they are fake as can be, and the players use logic and their observations to take on a player to get ratings and popularity and a great many stories written about them.

Now, if either of these is a possibility for you, you're not a hockey fan. Or, rather, you don't understand the game. I don't like to be that guy who thinks they know the definition of a hockey fan or whatever, but there is a certainty of common sense that I believe should be applied to, well, anyone with a pulse.

Hockey is a sport of emotion. Its hard to debate that. So its also hard to debunk the theory that hockey fights are red blooded emotion. But they aren't just emotion. Factually speaking, hockey players are also smart, and strategic. Maybe not as much as, say, coaches, but they still have to know their own game. That being said, as well known by anyone in the hockey universe, a fight is a 5 minute major, if it's bad enough, a game misconduct and ejection.

So that leaves the theory that there is a certain strategy to fighting. That said, it's probably a broad one, leaving players open to fight who they want and when they want, within reason.

So no Eberle versus Chara anytime. Unfortunately.

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