Monday, June 4, 2012

Why is the Goalie always French and Nuts?

You know. The stereotype of goalies, especially in movies. French-Canadian, vomits (thanks Glenn Hall), has some ridiculous superstition, some ridiculous habit, and treated like an alien, yet beloved, by all his teammates.  Don't believe me? Let's break down the movies, or, at least 6 of them. There are many, many more. 

Slap shot (1977): Denis Lemieux- The original, as Slap Shot is the best campy hockey movie, shows the most dramatic of the stereotype. Denis Lemieux, along with his ridiculously french name, came equipped with the french canadian accent that no one understood ("The hair is rotten here!") the strange vomiting ("Make me sick my allergies, puke every time, puke!")

Slap shot 2 (2002): Gasmer- As if to give a nod to Denis 30 years prior, Slap Shot's sequel introduced Gasmer, the OCD counterpart to the forlorn team from hell. Everything he does is in twos; eventually leading him to bust back into an occupied bathroom to flush it a second time. Also decked out with the french accent that lead to many, many misunderstandings, Gasmer was probably the least beloved, but also the most wacked out.

Slap shot 3 (2008): Henri- Are we sensing a trend here yet? (Damn you Slap Shot, how could you diss goalies like that?) But I promise you, the stereotype is not just limited to the Slap Shot movies, however shitty the second two were. Anyway, Henri has the french accent. He's kind of quirky, and certainly beloved by his teammates. Although he's not really all that campy, it's probably reason to the genre of kid dome. Regardless, Henri was an irritating stereotype nonetheless. 

The Mighty Ducks Trilogy (1992): Greg Goldberg- One of the few stereotypes I'd be honored to be honed to, Goldberg was the goalie you wanted on your team as a Peewee player. He was certainly beloved, and had one of the most inspirational quotes that I've taken in my life.
"Goldberg! You're supposed to stop the puck, you're the goalie!"
"Does that sound stupid to anyone but me?"
So, I had to put him in the list. It's not a hate-able stereotype, but more of a mold of who you want in your pipes in terms of personality. 

Goon (2011): Marco Belchier- So I just watched the movie today, and other than it being pretty depressingly funny, the goalie was hardly shown. I suppose in a hockey world wrought with fights, a goalie is pretty useless. Maybe it was a metaphor. But maybe it was because there would be goalie riots if another damned freak showed off in between the pipes. He let in more goals than he saved. So, there goes the sieve references for the evening. I have way to many of those jokes.

Chicks with Sticks (or) Hockey Mom (2004): She was a drug dealer. And a druggie. And she was white with a black hair style. And a woman. 'Nuff said. 

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