Remember how earlier I said I wanted us as American citizens to ensue wide sweeping stereotypes? Well I didn't really mean do that! But it seems that since anyone these days can blog about anything (talking about myself here) they did.
Here is an article that suggests that someone is extremely unhappy and albeit a bit butthurt that some people who call themselves hockey fans are somewhat uptight.
Well, from what I gather from both the genius comments below and the amazing layout of the post, this guy has something against hockey fans. He calls himself a "casual viewer" watching a total of 3 games of the playoffs, probably the team to match the city of whatever his favorite football or basketball team is. And I am here to say, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. He also states that "casual views" will help save the NHL from being on Versus, even though they have other stations, and the playoffs are shown on NBC every year.
But there is an issue with how he defined all of the fans as "Hipsters". And anyone that doesn't know what a Hipster is, here: (Even though I don't think you get why this blog is funny then)
So, in conclusion, if you don't know what you're talking about, don't blog about it, and don't ensue wide sweeping stereotypes. Because even if they are sometimes true, you just look like a huge jerk.
(Oh, and out of all the pictures of fans you choose the "Hockey lovin' homos?" Nice try, but we all thought they were fantastic. You probably don't get why, we're too underground for you.)
Here is an article that suggests that someone is extremely unhappy and albeit a bit butthurt that some people who call themselves hockey fans are somewhat uptight.
Well, from what I gather from both the genius comments below and the amazing layout of the post, this guy has something against hockey fans. He calls himself a "casual viewer" watching a total of 3 games of the playoffs, probably the team to match the city of whatever his favorite football or basketball team is. And I am here to say, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. He also states that "casual views" will help save the NHL from being on Versus, even though they have other stations, and the playoffs are shown on NBC every year.
But there is an issue with how he defined all of the fans as "Hipsters". And anyone that doesn't know what a Hipster is, here: (Even though I don't think you get why this blog is funny then)
Referring to young people of around 18-30 years of age, who drink cheap beer (most often Pabst Blue Ribbon, on occasion Budwiser), smoke Parliaments, Lucky Strikes or hard to obtain foreign cigarettes (such as Gauloises) and take recreational drugs, coke being the most popular. Use a great deal of sarcasm, claim to be ironic. Are usually less than 5% body fat, drink copious amounts of coffee and eat children's cereal. Listen to Indie Rock, rely heavily on Pitchfork Media to tell them what's cool. Don't dance at concerts. Wear a mixture of thrifted clothing and items bought at American Apparel (commonly Tri-blend v-necks) and Urban Outfitters. Extremely tight jeans worn by both sexes, pairing these with either a band or b-movie t shirt and a plaid shirt/v-neck and a cardigan along with Nike hi-tops/Vans/Keds. Females often wear retro style dresses and racerback tank tops without bras. Eschew public transport and instead choose to ride fixed-break bikes. Often claim to know about literature and film - will have googled a good deal of Vonnegut and French New Wave cinema.So there you have it. They basically like everything no one else does in an effort to be different. And here is his definition of why Hockey fans are Hipsters:
They love something that has been wildly unpopular for so long and they cannot STAND anybody enjoying the sport casually like it’s mainstream. Its exactly like the Brooklyn hipsters who are like “I liked the band before they got popular.” Now that the NHL has made a bit of a comeback and there’s some new viewers, or every time baseball/football/basketball fans pay attention for playoff hockey, they get so fucking angry and spiteful and they climb up on their High Horses.Hmm. First piece of incorrect information: Most hockey fans do not care if their sport is unpopular. It is their sport, and they will love it forever. Second piece of incorrect information: The NHL hasn't made a bit of a comeback. Unless he's talking about the lockout, which he is, and that happened in 2004-05. So not only is it incorrect, it's outdated. Third piece of incorrect information: While some population of the hockey world will do this "climb up on their high horses" most of them will not, I being one.
So, in conclusion, if you don't know what you're talking about, don't blog about it, and don't ensue wide sweeping stereotypes. Because even if they are sometimes true, you just look like a huge jerk.
(Oh, and out of all the pictures of fans you choose the "Hockey lovin' homos?" Nice try, but we all thought they were fantastic. You probably don't get why, we're too underground for you.)
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